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Our spacesuits have already protected Moonwalkers.
ILC Dover has been the primary supplier of spacesuits for NASA since the dawn of the Apollo program. In the 50 years since then, we’ve built upon our technology and expertise, continually improving our suits to ensure the maximum efficiency, mobility, comfort and safety of space travelers.
Our spacesuits have been worn during 250 space flights, six moon landings and more than 3,000 hours of spacewalks without a single failure—a record unmatched by any other spacesuit company in the industry.
No Matter the Suit.
No Matter the Purpose.
ILC Dover Protects Explorers.
Through our suits’ advanced mobility joint design, human interface, material development, fabrication and test technique and quality procedure, our team is at the forefront of spacesuit design, technique and safety. With the help of ILC Dover’s cutting-edge spacesuit engineering, astronauts are protected as they:
- Launch to low Earth orbit and beyond
- Explore suborbital space
- Build and maintain space stations
- Explore the surface of the Moon and Mars

Our Spacesuits

Launch, Entry, and Abort (LEA)
Protects travelers during mission-critical stages of traveling into space and returning to Earth’s atmosphere.
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Extravehicular Activity (EVA)
Protects astronauts when outside the spacecraft performing maintenance and science missions.
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